Neiman Marcus Christmas Book
Despite the recent rumblings of recession and showing conservative spending habits, lets’ have a peak at the newly unveiled and luxurious-as-usual Christmas Book by Neiman Marcus!
At $145 each, these exclusively commissioned stemware pieces are like little gems sparkling in your choice of royal blue, or ruby red. Fredrich Egermann’s fine crystal and 24-karat gold concoctions are handcrafted in Czech Republic.
Looking for a custom art piece with a little more pop than a typical 4-panel personalized Warhol? For $60,000, you can have your likeness (and full sized to boot) replicated in LEGO bricks by acclaimed artist Nathan Sawaya. Now you just have to decide where to put them in your home!
For the more frugal but tasteful gift-er, this pomegranate-inspired Nut Bowl by Michael Aram may be just the ticket. Stainless Steel constructs the bowl and leafy stem. For only $75, it can be yours.
The M-Velope is a transformable structure designed by Michael Jantzen. Each exterior panel is able to open and move at your touch. It is a green product as well! Made with new Accoya wood products and steel frame, you can use this 14′ x 17′ structure for a little getaway. $100,000.
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